Effective February 2013, the HS Institute has found it necessary to adjust its cost for CO2 laser surgery. As many patients know, the CO2 laser surgery is not reimbursed at the appropriate rate by insurance companies. The poor reimbursement has led the HS Institute to become a fee-for-service provider wherein no insurance plans are accepted. Initial surgery will now cost $3400, or less, depending upon the size, number of areas to be treated, and anticipated complexity and duration of the procedure. Subsequent treatments to areas adjacent to the initial surgery site, or to other areas, will typically cost $3200 or less per treatment session.
Factors which determine the complexity of a treatment session include time of the procedure, patient comfort issues, and safety of anesthetic agents used. Large areas, requiring greater quantities of local anesthesia, demand careful determinations of total dose of such medications. Treatment of a single region can therefore require several sessions for completion. Additional sessions are typically at lesser costs.
Utilizing the CO2 laser surgery for treatment of HS is still a relatively new treatment modality and as such, is not properly reimbursed by insurance plans. The HS Institute would like to enlist the help of all patients and their networks to “get the word out” by contacting their insurance company to discuss HS and this form of treatment that has proven very successful. We believe that as insurance companies learn more about the effectiveness of the surgery, they will adjust their reimbursement appropriately.
Notable benefits to the CO2 laser surgery for HS include:
The treatment is far more effective than other treatments, thereby reducing the need for repeat surgeries.
The treatment can be done in the office, using local anesthesia, thereby avoiding the cost of operating rooms, and the risks of general anesthesia.
The treatment does not require post-operative hospital recovery. This further reduces the cost of the surgery, and allows patients to resume their normal life activities more quickly.
A letter template is available through the HS Institute by e-mailing:info@hs-institute.com